Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Where in the "World" is Mario? Contest

Hey guys,
Here's the information on the "Where in the 'world' is Mario? Contest. Here are the rules:
I will be in Orlando, FL at Walt DisneyWorld from July 2 to July 8 and will be wearing my "GIVEN TO CAST" T-Shirt. Like the one above. I have 4 colored shirts: Burnt Orange (UT colors), Dk. Brown, Tan, and light blue. I could be wearing anyone of these colors on anyone of the days I will be there. To make it a bit easier for you guys to find me, I will be posting which parks I will be in on each day. ( I will be adding that schedule later today)
Here's where you come in. If you are the first person to come up and introduce yourself to me and tell me you are a listener of the podcast, I will give you a T-shirt and I will mention you on my next episode. If you allow me to, I will also take a picture with you and post it on my blog.
That's it. I hope I see you guys there. Good luck and don't hesitate to come up and speak to me, even if it's late in the day and into the night. You still may win.
BTW, I will be uploading Episode 17 by tomorrow. I will be taking July 7th off because will be at Disneyworld still.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Interview with TEN
I am uploading the Interview with TEN - a Tribute to Pearl Jam as I type. It should be up by noon CST. If you want to know more about the band, check out their website , click the link: TEN
I hope you guys enjoy the interview, some of the audio came out kinda messed up so I had to edit alot of it. I am posting a second podcast this week so that I canhelp TEN promote the fundraiser in Pittsburg tonight. Take a listen and if you are in the Pittsburg area and are going to the PJ show, check these guys out after the show. Again, check their site for info. of the show
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Episode 15 is ready to go!!!
I am making up for last week and releasing this Episode early. It's up and ready. Enjoy!!!
Show Notes:
- The Week in Review
- Song(s) of the Week (Marker in the Sand and Jeremy)
- Interview with a Fan (Jimmy Holder)
- Rare Songs (Satan's Bed and Ruby Tuesday)
- Mailbag
I also wanted to mention that I will be doing the Call Out contest this Sunday from 5:00 to 7:00 pm CST. If you wish to be added to the list of potiential contestants, please email me at
Good Luck!!!
Mario Aguilar
Monday, June 19, 2006
Sorry for no episode again
Sorry I didn't get an episode in this week...again. I was given a surprise Father's Day gift from my wife and we head out of town again. I promise a show this week and I plan for it to be a good one. Stay tuned.
Thanks again for your patience.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Another week off....
I am going to take this week off because my best friend is having his bachelor party (:wink: bingo and punch) in San Antonio this weekend and I'm leaving today. I didn't have enough time to get a show together for you so I'll take this week off too.
Here's the schedule for the next few weeks:
- There will be a show on June 16 (Epi. 15) and June 23 (Epi. 16)
- June 30 (Epi. 17) will probably be uploaded early due to vacation trip
- July 7 - I will not be doing a show that week due to still on vacation
Somewhere in these shows will be more Interviews with a fan segments, I hope to finally interview TEN - the Pearl Jam Tribute band and I hope to have our first Given To Cast Round Table. ( if you are interested in participating in the round table, email me at ) I need some ladies to sign up so that we can have a woman's perspective.
On a related note, I mentioned that I will be on vacation with my family from June 28 - July 9. We are headed to my favorite place on earth, Disneyworld!!!! Yeah, I know I am a big kid but I just love going there. I'm mentioning this because I wanted to make a sort of contest out of this and involve the loyal listener at the same time . So here it goes:
We will be in one of the 4 parks at Disneyworld in Orlando, FL on July 2 -7, 2006 and I will give out a "Given to Cast" t-shirt to the first person to approach me and say I listen to the show. I will be giving out ONE shirt every day til we leave. I will be wearing the Given To Cast T-Shirt so that you can recognize me. Now, I know what you're saying, "This isn't fair to the rest of us that don't live or won't be at WDW at that time." To this I say, I'm sorry. I thought this would be cool because I have quite a few Florida listeners of the podcast and this would allow me to meet them face to face.
Thanks to all of you for staying with me on this. See ya next week!!!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Episode 14 - June 2, 2006
Show Notes:
- The Week in Review
- Song of the Week (Off He Goes)
- Interview with a Fan (Jimmy Holder) - Jimmy wanted me to mention that he wished to thank the Ten Club for selecting him for the VH1 show
- Rare Song (Thank You from the Katrina Benefit with Robert Plant)
- Mailbag
Taking next week off for my best friends Bachlor Party so I'll see ya in two weeks