Monday, September 24, 2007
Episode 36 is coming soon & other things
Putting finishing touches on the next episode but I wanted to let you in on what will be happening in future episdoes starting with Episode 36. I am bringing back The Call Out contest and I will giving away some pretty cool prizes including A-one-of-a-kind T-Shirt I made as a mock up for some future T-Shirts I am in the process of making,indoor wall decals (just like FatHead decals) of Pearl Jam and much more!!!
So here's what you need to do. Email me your name and phone number you wish to be contacted at and best time to call and you will be entered in the contest. If you're picked, I will call you and ask you a Pearl Jam related question, if you answer correctly you will that episode's prize. It's that simple.
Stay tuned
UPDATE: my email address is:
Friday, September 14, 2007
Vote for me and win!!!
As you know from my last post, I entered the banner below in the contest. I have decided if you guys help me win, I will give one lucky winner the New Pearl Jam DVD, Immagine in Cornice. And if you sign up(FREE)on and vote for me, I will give the winner the DVD and a Given To Cast T-shirt. Please vote as much as you can. Thanks!!
Once you vote, send in your name, email and phone number where you can be reached at and I will enter your name in the drawing. Good Luck!!! or
go to
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Pearl Jam DVD banner contest - Vote for mine, Please!
New Poll for SotW
I want to leave it up to you to choose the next Song of the Week for the next podcast. Check out the poll on the top right hand side and votee for your choice. The top vote will be played in Episode 36. Hurry poll closes Friday, Sept. 14 at 12:00 pm.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Long time, no podcast, huh??!!! We'll, if you have been waiting (yeah, right, Episode 35 is up and ready for your listening pleasure. Enjoy!!!
Show Notes:
- The Week in Review
- Song of the Week - Hard Sun by Eddie Vedder
- What happened to me in the last few months?
- Rare Song - Anything In Between (unreleased track)
- Email Question
P.S.: New email is
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Trailer for New Pearl Jam DVD
Here's the trailer for the new Pearl Jam DVD coming out September 25, Immagine In Cornice (Italian for “Picture In A Frame”).
Friday, August 10, 2007
AT&T: It was a mistake??!!! Yeah, right!
Just wanted to put my 2 cents in about what AT&T admits was "a mistake" by the monitor of the Lollapalooza webcast.
If you haven't heard, during the webcast of Pearl Jam's set this past weekend, AT&T took it upon itself, at least this "monitor" did, to censor Ed and the band from their opinions of George Bush. Now, if you guys know me, this is a big issue with me, censorship and this "president".
This is what you should've heard:
Now, I know what some of you might be thinking, "It was just a few seconds. It wasn't that bad." Well, I beg to differ. If we allow big corporations to censor what we say, in any way whatsoever, we are setting a precedence that could allow them to censor our phone calls, blogs or any other free speech protected by the constitution. If you noticed that as soon as they we called out by the band, AT&T immediately issued a statement.
"The editing of the Pearl Jam performance on Sunday night was a serious mistake made by a Webcast vendor and completely contrary to our policy," AT&T's statement said. "We have policies in place with respect to editing excessive profanity, but AT&T does not edit or censor performances. We have that policy in place because the Blue Room is not age-restricted."
I think AT&T needs to go further than just issuing a statement. I don't even think they apologized for it. They just say it isn't their policy to censor artists. They need to fire their vendor.
This isn't the first time the AT&T has done this. They did the same thing on the webcasts from Bonnaroo in June during the John Butler Trio show when he was talking about the lack of response from our government during Katrina, and also during the Flaming Lips show when the lead singer was talking about how much George Bush had screwed up. I saw the webcasts. The sound did not cut out at any other time - only when someone was talking about George Bush or the goverment in a negative way.
I think it's time for us to let AT&T know that we won't tolerate this from them or any other big corporation. As of yesterday, I have decided to cancel my home phone and internet service I have with AT&T. I have had their service for over a year now so I won't incur any penalties. When asked by the rep. why I was canceling my service, I ,at first, said it was personal reasons. She kept on asking in different ways, why I was cancelling. After taking a deep breath, I told her I can not in good conscience continue giving my hard earned money to a company that believes in censorship. She quickly retorted that they don't. Then I told her the story about the show and that this wasn't a one-time incident. To her credit, she heard me out but said she knew nothing about what I was telling her and that it was news to her. I suggested she look into it for herself but that I had already made my decision to cancel. She went ahead and did just that for me and apologized for what "I felt" happened.
So, I challenge all you PJ fans and others to take a stand like I did. If you use AT&T, stop using them. They will get the message.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Sorry for going M.I.A. but...
Sorry for going M.I.A. in the middle of the 3 part series on the The Gorge Box Set but it couldn't be helped.
On July 12, I lost a good and old friend of mine. It was a shock to hear the news. I dropped everything and went to be with his parents. They are taking it the hardest.
He was an only child and a father of three boys and loving husband. We grew up together as kids and there wasn't a weekend that went by that we didn't sleep over at each other's houses. But as the years past, we grew apart and found other friends but we would see each other at least 4 or 5 times a year on holidays.
I had visited with his mother the week before his death and asked how he was doing. She let me know that he had been kinda down lately. It seems he had been unhappy about living 2 hours away from his parents and the job he had was less than he envisioned for himself.
I should've called him. I should've been there for him. But life got in the way and I missed my chance.
He came home to visit his parents that week. I think it made him feel happy being home. On July 11th, sometime that night, he took a handful of prescription medicine from his mother's cabinet and never woke up.
As a person of faith, it goes against my belief to take your life and I have been wrestling with this in my mind for these past weeks. Anger at him and myself. Sadness and tears at his funeral. The realization that he's gone.
If you know of anyone that is depressed, don't ignore it or put off speaking with them. Your voice and ears could be what puts their minds at ease. Get them some help or just be there for them.
The next podcast is dedicated to him.
Alex, we miss you!!!
Here's a link to his Obit:
Saturday, June 23, 2007
The Gorge Box Set Podcast (Part 1)
Had to get this out ASAP for those of you who can't wait for their copy.
Part 2 coming very soon.
The Gorge Box Set is Here!!!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Episode 34 in the Works.. but need your help!!!!
I am in the process of finishing up the next episode to get out this weekend and I wanted to get you guys to send me your suggestions on new sites and your favorite Pearl Jam fan sites. I am starting a new segment to the show entitled, "The Fan Site Spotlight". I will visit the featured site and promote it on this blog. When possible , I will try to have a brief interview with the webmaster of the site.
Send your suggestions to
Episode 34 coming up!
Also, I will have a three part episode dedicated to the Gorge Box Set release. I should be receiving it on Tuesday. Feel free to send my your thoughts on the shows and if you were there, your reviews would be great. I'll read the best ones during the shows.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Episode 33
Here's Episode 33.
Show Notes:
The Week in Review
Song of the Week (No More)
Rare Song (Constellations)
Our Favourite Shows (April, 2003 - San Antonio, TX)
Bonus Show: (Festimad 2007 - Madrid Spain 6-9-07)
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Pearl Jam rocks Madrid
I just got through rockin' in the afternoon with our favorite band and the show was excellent, if you you don't count the two radio announcers that felt they need to give a play-by-play. Anyway, I will include the show on my next podcast coming out on Monday. Stay Tuned
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Putting the final touches..
It's been a busy last couple of weeks and I'm almost done with episode 32 and it should be up by this weekend so look for it on your iTunes or come back here and d/l it.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I'm a celebrity.... well, not really
Just wanted to post here that I have had my 15 minutes of fame yesterday. Well, if you call winning a contest and being able to sponsor a lunch hour request show on the radio, fame, then I'm a celebrity.
Oh, BTW, the DJ that hosts the show, sent me a copy of the short interview and I'll play it on the next show. Got in a little plug for the podcast, too.
Anyway... stay tuned for Episode 32.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Episode 31ready to download
Episdoe 31 is up and ready
Show notes:
- The Week in Review
- SotW - Fatal
- Interview with CEO of Burnlounge - Alex Arnold
- Rare Song - Beast of Burden (The Rolling Stones cover)
- Our Favourite Shows - Houston 2000 I &II
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Episode 31 coming soon
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am finishing up the next podcast and it'll be up soon. I had to find some music I had misplaced to finish up the "Our Favourite Shows" segment.
Stay tuned.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
New Episode coming this week
Now that we have our future Ten Club member home and settled in, I can get back to my regularly scheduled podcasts. I am putting the finishing touches on the next episode and it should be out early next week. I have decided to skip the one year anniversary show and just continue on with new episodes; maybe I'll try to have a 2nd year anniversary show next Febuary.
In the meantime, stay tuned for our new episode in a few days. Thanks for your patience and contiued support.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Andrew Jonathan Aguilar has arrived!
I've been up most of the night but wanted to let all you Given To Cast listeners know that the latest addition to the Pearl Jam nation has arrived!
Andrew Jonathan Aguilar came into the world last night at 10:34 pm cst. He weighed 8lbs. 7 oz. and is 20 1/4" long. He's healthy and mom is in good sprirts, too.
Take a look at the newest addition to our family here
Thanks again to you guys that wished us well.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Episode 30
Episode 30 is up!
Show Notes:
- The Week in Review
- SotW - Man of the Hour - Bridge School
- Trivia winner
- Rare Song - Save it for Later -cover
- Our Favourite Shows - Mario's Favourite Shows - Show #2 Dallas, Texas, Reunion Arena, July 5, 1998
Friday, February 02, 2007
Shaq and Burnlounge 2.0

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Episode 29
Episode 29 is up and we have a new segement this week.
Show Notes:
- The Week in Review
- SotW- Whipping
- Trivia Q&A
- Rare Song - I Can't Explain - The Who
- NEW SEGMENT: Our Favorite Shows (9/16/1995 - Southpark Meadows - Austin, TX)
EDIT: BTW, if you like the new segment, "Our Favorite Shows", and want the whole show, along with cover art, you can head over to The Army Reserve and download FLAC and MP3 formats. Murry has tons of shows and he's going to help me out with making this a permenent segment. Special thanks to him for all he does for the podcast.
Do you have a favorite show? Email me yours at and we will make a list of the most popular ones and go from there.
P.S.: "Our Favorite Shows" is dedicated to the website We miss this site and I hope this segment of the show can fill in a small gap of what we're missing in their absence. Hurry back, guys.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Breaking News: 2007 European Tour Announced

Pearl Jam is back on the road again ... Come June 2007, Pearl Jam will revisit the old country for another European tour of both festival and exclusive showdates.The Ten Club would like to offer members the opportunity to purchase tickets directly from the fan club, for exclusive Pearl Jam shows only. Ticket information for festival dates will be posted in the coming weeks.You must be an active member as of January 24, 2007 to qualify for fan club tickets. The ticket opportunity is for two (2) general admission tickets per show. No single tickets will be sold. You will receive 2 wristbands with your tickets, which will allow early entry into the venue 15 minutes before doors open to the public. At Wembley Arena in London, early entry will not be allowed. Therefore, we have reserved the entire floor for fan club only!!! Any tickets not sold during the fan club pre-sale will have to be released for public sale...So buy buy buy!!!Ten Club tickets can be purchased online here with a Visa or Mastercard only. Ticket prices will vary. Tickets are available while supplies last.Please pay close attention to Ten Club ticket on-sale times listed below. ALL Ten Club ticket sales will end on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 at 5pm Pacific Time. Click here for the time zone conversion.
DATE: JUN. 12*
10C SALE: Jan. 29 9am PST
DATE: June 13
10C SALE: Jan. 26 1am PST !!!
DATE: June 15
DATE: June 16
DATE: June 18*
10C SALE: Jan. 29 9am PST
DATE: June 21
10C SALE: Jan. 29 9am PST
DATE: June 23
DATE: June 24
DATE: June 26
10C SALE: Jan. 26 1am PST !!!
DATE: June 28
10C SALE: Jan. 29 9am PST
DATE: June 29
Nonedates are subject to change
*Travel package opportunities are available for these dates. Click here for more information.The Ten Club ticket opportunity is for Ten Club members only. The Ten Club member must be present to collect the tickets on the day of the show. Tickets cannot be transferred or exchanged. All ticket sales are final.If you require wheelchair accessible seating, please contact the Ten Club directly at ticket questions can be directed to: or 1-800-724-8038 during 10am-5pm PST.
Man, I wish I could go...DAMN!!! Come on, South in the Fall!!!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Episode 28

- The Week in Review
- SotW - Indifference
- Interview with a Fan - JR, Jessica, Kathy from Two Feet Thick
- Rare Song-
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Episode 27
Episdoe 27 is up!!
Show Notes:
- The Week in Review
- SOTW - Tremor Christ
- Interview With A Fan -Adam Tutty with One Lucky Fan
- Trivia Question
- Rare Song(s)
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
BurnLounge & Epi. 26

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Episode 26
Episode 26 is up and ready to download.
Show Notes:
- The Week in Review
- SOTW - Love Reign O'er Me - The Who cover
- Interview with a Fan - Murry from The Army Reserve
- Mailbag
- Rare Song - Picture in a Frame - Bridge School 2006 Day 1
The old subscription link is now down forever.
Please subscribe to NEW LINK.
1. open iTunes
2.scroll to ADVANCEDand down to SUBSCRIBE TO PODCAST
3. Enter the link below
4. done!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Episode 26 will be up tomorrow
I'll be finished with Episode 26 by tomorrow night and it should be up then. I have changed pod hosting sites so the iTunes link will change as well. I will be posting instructions for iTunes subscribers in the next post.
On Tap for Episode 26:
- SOTW - "Love Reign O'er Me" Pearl Jam covering The Who classic for an upcoming movie.
- Interview with a Fan is back and I'll be interviewing Big Wave Rider from The Army Reserve fan site
- and much more.
Stay Tuned