Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Don't start celebrating early!!!

Hey guys,

For all those Obama supporters that are becoming over confident of an Obama win, check out this video. Keep making the arguement to vote for Obama no matter where you live in the USA.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fight The Smears

Fight the smears of John McCain's campaign and spread the truth

Friday, October 17, 2008

Pallin' around with hate

Hey guys,

Just wanted to post another video from Brave New Films about all the hate talk coming from McCain/Palin rallies.

UPDATED: This is another video from a campaign rally. It's just shos how ignorant and misinformed you can be if all you do is watch FOX News or listen to all right wing radio.

This video was put together before we got word that two Obama supporters at a Palin rally got punched in the face and body by some Palin supporters. They were escorted out of the rally and as a result, filed a police report. More to come.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Vote Vets New Ad

Here's the new Vote Vets ad slamming McCain for his Voting record on veterans' issues. If you're a Vet or know one, you may want to hear the truth from actual Iraq War Veteran. Here' it is:

Monday, October 06, 2008

Keating Economics - What john McCain wants you to forget

Hey guys,

I just wanted to post a documentry on John McCain and Charles Keating. Please take the time to watch this 13 min film. It explains how John McCain was involved with the S&L scandal and eventual collapse. He and Sarah Palin want to "turn the page" on this economic crisis and resort to smearing and "swift-boating" their way into the white house. Don't fall for that. Watch this film and share it with everyone you know. Here's the film: