Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Bill Clinton urges you to choose HOPE..

Hey guys,

Been totally swamped lately and I know I promised to get this blog going again but I have been way too busy with work, family and just life. I am going to start this someday, maybe when they start touring again, I'll bring this back. For now, I'm going to focus on using any free time I may have to campaigning for Barack Obama.

Being a Texan, I got my turn at voting AND caucusing last night. Though we didn't do well in our precinct, he did much better in the cities and areas around Houston and Dallas. As for the popular vote, we just missed it. Pretty good though for someone that was 20 point underdog last month. Just ran outta time.

In any event, it's over. I'm beat after standing out side my polling place in Corpus. But I wanted to let you guys know that if you live in Pennsylvania or any other state that will vote in the next few weeks, get involved and help Barack wrap this up in April.

I found this clip of Bill Clintion praising John Kerry in 2004 when he campaigned for him. Listen to what he says and ask yourself this question, "How can he sing the praises of John Kerry about how he inspires "hope"? With that logic you should vote for Obama, right?

Anyway here's the clip:

TRANSCRIPT: Now, one of Clinton Laws of Politics is this: "If one candidate is trying to scare you and one candiate is trying to get you to think, if one cadidate is appealing to your fears and the other is appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the one that wants you to think and hope. That's the best."

"Yes, We Can"

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