Hey guys,
Working hard on the latest podcast but wanted to chyme in a bit on the newest and latest hottness that is PEARL JAM RADIO. Now, this isn't like AOL or YAHOO's version of Pearl Jam radio.... no commercial interuptions!!! Just PURE PJ , along with commentary from DJ about latest PJ news involving the tour and fans reactions from the shows. This a must for any fan. So, how do I listen to it you ask? Well, it's very simple. Copy and paste the following link to your favorite PC player (WMP, WinAmp, iTunes, etc.) and listen away.
Or if you are on the go and have a smartphone, you can listen on your iPhone, Blackberry, Palm Pre or any other latest smartphone incarnation by typing this into your browser. (At least I can on my Palm Pre and it'll find the right program.) Enjoy and keep an eye out for the new show... coming very soon!
I have to say I have been very impressed! So if you are jonesing for a Live PJ fix, you now have can have it anywhere you go.
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