Monday, September 24, 2007

Episode 36 is coming soon & other things

Hey guys,

Putting finishing touches on the next episode but I wanted to let you in on what will be happening in future episdoes starting with Episode 36. I am bringing back The Call Out contest and I will giving away some pretty cool prizes including A-one-of-a-kind T-Shirt I made as a mock up for some future T-Shirts I am in the process of making,indoor wall decals (just like FatHead decals) of Pearl Jam and much more!!!

So here's what you need to do. Email me your name and phone number you wish to be contacted at and best time to call and you will be entered in the contest. If you're picked, I will call you and ask you a Pearl Jam related question, if you answer correctly you will that episode's prize. It's that simple.

Stay tuned

UPDATE: my email address is:

1 comment:

Unknown said...


What is your e-mail address so that I can participate in the contests???